Beat Gino Koenig

Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law
Senior Counsel - also admitted in Virginia (USA)

Gino Koenig has more than 30 years of experience in arbitration and litigation, commercial contracts and corporate law. He has acted in more than 80 international and domestic arbitration proceedings as counsel, president, sole arbitrator and party appointed arbitrator under both ad hoc and institutional rules (ICC, Swiss Rules, DIS, VIAC). Dr. Koenig also has extensive experience in corporate law and commercial contracts, in particular in advising clients in the field of infrastructure projects. Since 2006, he is president of the Appeals Chamber of the Swiss Ice Hockey Federation (member since 1998) and responsible for more than 400 decisions. He was president of an ice hockey club from 1996–2013.

Arbitration | Litigation | Corporate & Commercial


Lustenberger + Partners KLG
Wiesenstrasse 8
P.O. Box
CH-8032 Zurich

T +41 44 387 19 00
F +41 44 387 19 66